Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Why you shouldn't depend entirely on webapps!

Because when they're down, you're screwed.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Do u know what Gmail at its best is??

Do you know that if your gmail a/c is 'zishanmohd@gmail.com' thn zishan.mohd@gmail.com is same and ZiShan.moHD@gmail.com is same as z.i.s.h.a.n.m.o.h.d@gmail.com

Actually gmail server doesn't recognise DOT(.) character

And if you wanna to recognize someone you can gve him or her email address like dat zishanmohd+rajat@gmail.com or zishanmohd+raza@gmail.com all email address are same as zishanmohd@gmail.com.... but in +word you have the benifit that you can recognize your emailer or you can check whethere this email address is given by you personally or someelse has given your email address....

and friends if ur r using spaces after +say "zishanmohd+how r u@gmail.com" this is wrong .... it goes like this "zishanmohd+how+r+u@gmail.com"

And another name of ur mail account wd be

this only works 4 gmail

So how do u like the trick...